Dienstag, 28. September 2010

the bad touch

Named after the Bloodhoung Gang's song this post stands for the bad influence bloggers all over the world have on me. Every day I see new orders arriving, while even newer order have been placed already. And while Katja, Lily, Betty and Louisa order at Chloé, Miu Miu and Acne I order at H&M. What a pity but whatever. I order and I love it. It has already become some kind of obsession. So I ask you now: Is shopping an obsession? A passion? Why do we shop? Why do girls shop just the same way from London to Tokyo but very different to boys?

Would love to read some comments on that. ;)

My orders will be shown as soon as they arrive. But I can bet that will take some time. In the meantime I show you some things I would like to purchase. Just like. (But I guess this last one could be a good investment.)

from top to bottom: Just Cavalli, Asos, Matthew Williamson, odd molly, Miam Jewellery, One Vintage, Urban Outfitters, Ray Ban, Ossie Clark, Urban Outfitters, Die Fantastischen Vier- Für dich immer noch Fanta Sie.

mlle Wunderlich

Mittwoch, 22. September 2010

The empire strikes black(to death)

Samstag Nacht lud das empire Linz zur "Sensation in White" Party. Dresscode: Weiß, weiß und nochmal weiß. Also zogen wir Mädels uns schön an und begaben uns zu Schlachthof um ein bisschen Spaß zu haben. Nur war leider das Anziehen lustiger als die Nacht selbst. Es war langweilig. Aber das passiert eben wenn man nüchtern ausgeht. Hab ich das gerade gesagt? Ups.

Outfit inspiriert von der einzigartigen Carrie Bradshaw auf Stanford und Anthony's Hochzeit in SATC2.

Saturday night was the night of Linz' empire night club "Sensation in White" Party. Dresscode: White, white and white. So us girls got a little dressed up and headed to the Schlachthof to have some fun. Well actually dressing up was the funniest thing about that night. It was litterally boring. But that's what happens when you go out totally sober. Did I say that? Oops.

Outfit inspired by the unique Carrie Bradshaw at Stanford and Anthony's wedding in SATC2.


mlle Wunderlich

Ma'am, da steht 'ne Giraffe in Ihrem Wohnzimmer.

...und für die ganz genauen Beobachter: Ein Zebra auch noch! Ich geb zu, das Outfit ist von letzter Woche, lag aber heute krank zu Hause und kann nichts sagen. Hab meine Stimme verloren und am Freitag Vorstellung. Aber bis dahin bin ich wieder total auskuriert(bemerkt ihr die von "The Secret" beeinflusste Lebensweisheit?).

...and for the ones carefully watching: A zebra too! I admit, that is a last week-outfit. Well, I was at home today, lying ill on the couch and having lost my voice. That's a good point in time because the representation of "Nachtfalter" is this Friday. Until then, I will be of best health. (can you hear the wisdom of "The Secret" in my speech?)


mlle Wunderlich 

Freitag, 17. September 2010


Gaspard Ulliel in Martin Scorsese's Chanel advert.


mlle Wunderlich

Abercrombie & Fitch

This brand name is well-known to everyone. The label is popular for its clothing but now they also published a perfume. It's amazing. I actually love it. No words bout that but have a look at the homepage, they also have a quite good playlist and I could swear that I can smell the perfume right now. I would love to order it...

Dieser Markenname ist jedermann bekannt. Das Label ist bekannt für seine legere Kleidung aber jetzt haben sie auch ein Parfum herausgebracht. Es ist unglaublich. Ich liebe es. Keine Worte dazu, außer: Schaut euch mal die Hompage an. Sie haben eine ganz gute Playlist und ich könnt schwören ich kann den Duft gerade riechen. Würds echt gern bestellen...


mlle Wunderlich

101 Posts

We celebrate our 101st post! Wow, it's been kind of a long time to get to this point. We've been blogging for a long time but lost track somewhere in between. Now ultramarine and I are very happy to announce...well, nothing. It's just nice to be here and if there really are some readers out there I want to tell you: Please keep on reading, and why the fuck don't you follow us? :P It's a bit embarrassing to have zero followers after a hundred posts. But let's talk about some nice things like ultramarine being in Strasbourg in this very moment. She'll come home tomorrow, hopefully carrying a bag filled with new clothes, pictures and a whole lot of experience.

Wir feiern unsern 101. Post! Wow, es hat ziemlich lange gebraucht um zu diesem Punkt zu kommen. Wir bloggen nun schon für ziemlich lange Zeit, aber haben irgendwo zwischendrin die Spur verloren... Jetzt sind ultramarine und ich aber glücklich euch mitteilen zu können...naja, eig gibt es garnicht mitzuteilen. Es ist nur super hier zu sein und, wenn es denn tatsächlich Leser gibt, dann sage ich euch: Bitte lest weiter und warum zur Hölle "follow"-ed ihr uns nich? :P Um ehrlich zu sein ist es ein bisschen peinlich keine Follower aber hundert Posts zu haben. Aber jetzt lasst uns über erfreulicheres Reden, wie etwa ultramarine die gerade ihren Aufenthalt in Strassburg genießt. Sie wird morgen zurückkommen, hoffentlich mit den Taschen voll von neuen Klamotten, Fotos und ganz viel Erfahrungen.

by mlle Wunderlich 

Montag, 13. September 2010

LINZ verändert.

Pictures can tell more than words.


mlle Wunderlich

Knocking on Heaven's door

Yeah, this picture is very EMOO. But it was funny... Wearing my FALKE tights with my new H&M boots, my very very vintage bag and the flowery Alice band. (How gorgeous is that name?) Talking about gorgeous synonyms I heard an englishwoman wonder about the German word "Glühbirne" which means bulb. She was fascinated because directly translated it means glowing pear. It is so nice to think about these small things, that make the difference between two people of different origins but also bring them together. Have a nice evening.


mlle Wunderlich

It's Sunday. I'm rehearsing.

Sunday is saint. Saint Sunday. Well, I had a rehearsal at sunday, which was the day before school. We're fuckin' 3rd graders at High School. How sexy is that? (Honestly, I just guessed so 'cause I am not pretty sure about how that school thing is going in Britain or America) I was wearing a vintage dress underneath my new H&M-thing. I'm not quite sure if it is a shirt or a dress but I will wear it either way. I also got a little present from Ursulinen church in Linz: This gorgeous medallion. Co-Blogger Coco and I were also blessed. I hope that is a good omen for this semestre. Or even both.

You might have discovered that I'm kind of into writing English. I don't have a clue why I do so but it's probably for good fun and practice. Guys, see you later.


mlle Wunderlich

Samstag, 11. September 2010

FreQuency '11

The planning has started...
by mlle Wunderlich

Crazy Bitches, Miu Miu

Miu Miu's F/W collection 2010...

by mlle Wunderlich


I want to spend my money on heels...but I haven't got a clew which ones. I guess it's not going to be Acne's 550$ ones but probably H&M's 40€ boots. I also wanted to order the Lola Ramona peep-toes but some problems occured and now the shoes that mirror my personality are sold out-which is quite a pity, thank you very much! I also had my first driving lesson earlier today and even got to drive on the streets...I wonder how I'll manage to push the clutch with those heely-high heels. I guess that's enough of talking english(and sounding kind of british, am I not?) for a day.

by mlle Wunderlich

Montag, 6. September 2010

Sonntag, 5. September 2010


Tanzen ist wie Singen mit dem Körper.

by mlle Wunderlich

Samstag, 4. September 2010


by mlle Wunderlich

Altstadt Linz

Mit uunserem Altstadt-Neuling waren wir gestern unterwegs im Walker, bug's(rechtes bild), OST, VIP, Kaiser, stone's(linkes Bild) und im empire. Oder so. Ach ja: McDonald's war ja auch noch dabei.

by mlle Wunderlich

How to...

...make your own "dehnspirale".

Gebraucht hab ich:
-FIMO Knetmasse (2,40€ bei Thalia)
-silberne Ohrstecker(ebenfalls 2,40€ von Thalia)
-ein Messer
-eine Arbeitsunterlage

Auf den Bildern ist beschrieben wie's geht, es ist ziemlich einfach. Den Ohrring hab ich bei 100° etwa 2 1/2h gebacken. ;) Trotzdem aber hin und wieder nachschauen. Gutes Gelingen.

by mlle Wunderlich